Looking for a new way to make your windows look beautiful according to your own personal style? There are many whimsical ways you can dress up your custom window treatments and really make your windows pop.

Create Your Own DIY Valence

Love the look of valences and are looking for an affordable solution? Do the valances available at the store not strike your fancy? Why not make your own? There are many quick, no sew options available to make your own DIY valence with the pattern that suits you.

If you’re living in a place where you cannot put pins in the window frame, use removable mounting strips instead. That way, you can hang your valence without worrying about your security deposit!

Before you create your own valence, be sure to match the pattern of the fabric to your custom window treatments so they won’t clash. The great thing about this no sew project is that if you ever make changes to your custom window treatments, you can easily remove and replace the fabric.

Use Every Day Objects as Drapery Ties

Tying back your draperies doesn’t mean heading to the store and buying expensive drapery ties that you may not use again if you get new curtains. Instead, use what you have around the house or can buy on a budget for your own personalized look like:

These options are especially fun during holidays when you can swap them out for a festive look. It will also give these items another chance at life if you never use them anymore.

Snazz Up Vertical Blinds with Stenciling

Living with bland window treatments can be tough on the eyes. If you have to look at plain vertical blinds every day that you’re not quite fond of, why not spruce them up with some stenciling? To give your vertical blinds extra beauty, find a stencil pattern that will work for your home. Then, paint on the stencil, let dry, and hang them back up to enjoy.

If you live in an apartment or don’t feel comfortable with paint, make a design with washi tape instead. Washi tape makes for a lovely substitute as it comes in many patterns and colors and is easy to remove.

Paint Your Window Frames a Contrasting Color

Looking to give your plain windows a little extra pop? Painting the inside of your window frames a contrasting color will bring out your windows and add an extra layer to your home. The best part is, you can either leave your windows plain or pair with your custom window treatments. Either way, the look will be stunning.

Add Fun Window Treatments

Tired of plain window treatments? There are plenty of window treatments available that have fun prints that are sure to brighten up the home. For example, roller shades can be found in a myriad of colors and patterns from floral to woven textures.

Learn More About Custom Window Treatments

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